undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Cinnamon Air

Manage Booking

Explore Cinnamon Air web manage-booking services

Cinnamon Air’s manage booking is a feature that enables customers to access and change their flight booking. Moreover, customers can view their booking details, including seat selection, pricing and baggage allowance . They can also use manage booking to purchase a single upgrade or other additional services using Cinnamon Miles. Customers who might have misplaced their tickets would have no pending issues as they can easily reprint them.
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Cinnamon Air FAQs

Cinnamon Air Manage Booking is a convenient way to view, change or cancel your ticket and customize your flight.,
You can make changes to your bookings through the Manage Booking tab on the Cinnamon Air website.,
Yes, you can cancel your tickets before departure via the Manage Booking section for a full refund.,
You can easily make payments online through the Manage Booking section using your credit/debit card or online banking.,
If you have any other questions, please contact our Customer Care team, they will be happy to help.