undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Camair-Co

Manage Booking

Explore Camair-Co web manage-booking services

Currently, the airline has an online website where the clients can book and manage their booking including: -Booking history -Manage booking substituting detail -Cancel flights -Refund requests -Special requests and assistance -Online seat booking -Check-in & out -Details on prices & promotions -Fees and taxes-Baggage inclusions -Flight statuses -Travel insurance. Customers can make a payment with pay pal, debit/credit card or any other option available; they could contact the customer service team via phone, email and live chat for all customer support on a 24-hour basis.
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Camair-Co FAQs

To manage your booking, visit the official Camair-Co website and click the Manage Booking option. Then follow the instructions given.,
Yes, you can change your booking details such as the dates, flight numbers or passenger details online.,
Yes, you can cancel your booking after it has been confirmed; however, cancellation fees may apply depending on Camair-Cos policies.,
Yes, you may be eligible for a refund depending on Camair-Cos refund policy and the specific terms of your ticket.,
Yes, if you make changes to your booking within the allowed time frame without exceeding the fare limit, you wont be charged a fee.