Explore Blue Air web customer-care services

To get help from Blue Air, it is possible to contact the customer care by calling +40 21 206 10 00 or sending an email at contact@blueairweb.com. Additionally, it is possible to write on Twitter: address – Blue Air Aviation S.A., Calea Bucurestilor 233B, Otopeni, Ilfov, Romania. They are available to help and answer any question.
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Blue Air FAQs

Our headquarter is located in Bucharest, Romania.,
Our refund policy is outlined in our Terms and Conditions, which can be found on our website.,
Our customer service team can be reached by emailing customerservice@blueairweb.com or calling +1-800-777-99999.,
Our baggage policy allows for one carry-on bag and up to two checked bags, with certain restrictions based on the fare purchased. You can find more information on our website.,
We offer complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and snacks, as well as in-flight entertainment options. Some of our flights may offer additional amenities. Please check our website for more details.