Explore Berjaya Air web manage-booking services
The main way to manage a booking in Berjaya Air is by accessing the airline’s website. Passengers with a flight number and departure date can access their booking and, if necessary, change the flight. Users can change the date and time of the flight, change the destination, or even add more people to aviation. In addition, the website allows passengers to pay for the flight, adjust flight data, booking details, and cancel if necessary or apply for a refund . In addition to the website, the airline provides its own customer service line. This line can be used to manage booking data, if the client adds a stage and cancels or changes it. This service is available at BKI seven days a week, 24 hours a day. In addition to the phone, the Berjaya Air website offers a self-service kiosk, which is installed at the airport. Passengers can check into Berjaya; pay for airfare as well as check, refund, or booking details. In addition, consumers can download and print boarding passes. Additionally, there is an option to choose your seat before a check-in, available at most airports.