undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Air Astra

Manage Booking

Explore Air Astra web manage-booking services

The primary step involved in making changes to or managing a booking with Air Astra is to locate and gain entry into the airlines website. On the homepage of the site, there is a tab on the menu at the top of the screen titled ‘My Booking’ . The My Booking links directs users to a page with several options that enable travelers to view their existing itineraries, makes changes to their current flights, or views details on past travels . Furthermore, it allows a user to view the available seats on their upcoming flights, purchase additional tickets for their existing booking, buy extras warmly or coldly such as an extra baggage allowance or priority boarding and to adjust the email address on their booking.
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Air Astra FAQs

You will need your departure and arrival airports, your dates of travel, number of passengers and type of fare.,
Yes, changes can be made to the flight date, passenger name, etc. Online changes are subject to availability and a fee may apply.,
Yes, you can book for more than one passenger when you book online, in-app or through the call centre.,
We accept payment by credit or debit card (VISA, MasterCard), bank transfer, cash or cheque.,
You can contact customer service by calling the number provided on the website, sending an email or through the websites live chat.