undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of AlbaStar

Manage Booking

Explore AlbaStar web manage-booking services

There are several services offered by the AlbaStar airlines for passengers and crew to manage booking details. For instance, booking can be both on the website or manually check-in at the airport; you can confirm the flight and request a change or refund . Passengers can access AlbaStar airline’s booking system as shown in table one via the website and monitor your flight and cabin class booking status. Passengers can also access personal detail such as name, phone number, and email address . Passengers can also use the airline’s website to check their baggage allowances and baggage-related fees as well as book additional luggage . AlbaStar airline provides a call center service for booking inquiries. For example, the flight agents can provide information on booking or ticketing options, flight arrival and departure, booking procedures, and baggage holding information. The agents can cancel or book a ticket for you; they can even request a refund and give details on the rates and promotions under consideration out of the concern of the customer. They can also trace your luggage if lost.
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AlbaStar FAQs

You can make an online booking with AlbaStar through an OTA (online travel agency) website such as Expedia or Orbitz. Alternatively, you can also call AlbaStar directly,
AlbaStar accepts debit and credit cards, as well as PayPal and Bitcoin as methods of payment,
AlbaStar offers Economy, Business, and First Class seating on its aircraft,
Yes, meals are included in the cost of your ticket, depending on the length of your flight,
Yes, you can change the date of your AlbaStar booking for a fee depending on the fare you have purchased. Please contact AlbaStars customer service team for more information.