Explore Air Panama web check-in services

Air Panama allows web check-in for all its flights. Online check-in is open 24 hours before the flight is supposed to have left. My Air Panama reference number or PNR and my lastname is what I will need to add to the online check page . Once checked-in, I can p rint out my boarding pass, which is to be presented at the departure gate .
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Air Panama FAQs

Web Check-in is an online service which allows you to select your preffered seat in the plane, print your boarding pass and, where available, check in your baggage in advance.,
Web Check-in is available from 24hours until 1 hourcto your scheduled flight departure, except for flights departing from David, where Web Check-in closes 4 hours before the flight departure.,
Once you have completed the Web Check-in process, changes to your flight reservation must be made at the Air Panama office or contact center.,
You should have the following available to complete Web Check-in
No, once you have completed the Web Check-in service it is not possible to check in at the airport counter.