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Flight Status of Air Nostrum

Flight Status

Explore Air Nostrum web flight-status services

On the Air Nostrum airlines’ website or third-party booking site which operates Air Nostrum, you can access the flight status information. You should search for the flight status basing on departure and the destination airport, or the airlines flight number, or the departure date . The information on those websites or on third-party bookings is whether the flight is on time, delayed, cancelled and diverted, other alternative or special flight services in accommodation or bonus information. It will also post some that we know the status flight departure or arrival locations and if their information or sub-information has changed or updated.
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Air Nostrum FAQs

You can check the status of your Air Nostrum flight online, on the Air Nostrum website or through the Air Nostrum mobile app.,
You can sign up for notifications on the Air Nostrum website or through the Air Nostrum mobile app.,
If your flight is delayed, Air Nostrum will work to get you to your destination as soon as possible. You may be re-booked on another flight if necessary.,
Yes, you can request a change to your flight on the Air Nostrum website or through the Air Nostrum mobile app.,
Yes, you will need to check in before your flight in order to board your Air Nostrum flight. You can check in online or at the airport.