Explore Air New Zealand web manage-booking services

You may quickly update your Air New Zealand Airlines flight reservation using WebCheckin.info's manage booking function. You may view your itinerary, choose your preferred seats, and make other changes to your booking using Air New Zealand Airlines' user-friendly website. Detailed information about Air New Zealand managing my booking options, including domestic manage my booking options, is available on our website. You may manage your Air New Zealand Airlines reservation with WebCheckin.info, saving you time and bother. You can rely on our accurate and current information to make your travels with Air New Zealand Airlines joyful and stress-free. Users can manage the Air New Zealand booking by entering the reference number and the family name(Last name on their website). Please click the above button to navigate to that.
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Air New Zealand FAQs

Yes, Air New Zealand charges a fee for excess baggage The amount may vary depending on the route.
Passengers flying with Air New Zealand are allowed to check up to two pieces of baggage with a maximum weight of 23kg each
You can manage your booking by visiting the Air New Zealand website or the Air NZ app. From here you can view, change and make changes to your booking including updating contact information, rebooking flights and selecting seats.
You can check in online from 24 hours before your flight departure time or from 90 minutes up to 3 hours before departure time at the Air New Zealand check in counter.
Yes, there may be an additional fee when making changes to your booking. The fees vary depending on the type of change and the fare conditions of your ticket.