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Manage Booking of Air Marshall Islands

Manage Booking

Explore Air Marshall Islands web manage-booking services

Air Marshall Islands is the flag carrier of the Republic of the Marshall Islands that is based in the country. They provide scheduled as charter flights to various destinations within the Marshall and Micronesia islands. Any booking with Air Marshall Islands is manageable on the airline’s online platform, www.airmarshallislands.com , where customers can book or search flights, cancel, or reschedule flights, update existing bookings, update personal, or payment details, manage or suspend their frequent flyer accounts . Likewise, the airline also offers the customer-side an application that is available on the App Store as well as Google Play. The application enables the customer-side to access quick bookings and payments and download their e-boarding online . Air Marshall Islands has a 24-hour call centre service for any urgent inquiries the customer-side may need addressed. The customer supports email, support@airmarshallislands.com and there is also a live chat available on the company’s website.
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Air Marshall Islands FAQs

Yes, Air Marshall Islands allows you to book multiple flights on one ticket. The associated fees depend on the type of fares you choose to book the tickets.
You can easily cancel your bookings by logging into your Air Marshall Islands account and selecting the ‘Manage My Bookings tab. Once youre there, you can select the booking or trip segment youd like to cancel.
Yes, all bookings must be confirmed before the flight. Please make sure that all your bookings are updated at least 24 hours prior to the departure of your flight.
If you need to change certain aspects of your tickets, including flight dates or passenger names, please contact Air Marshall Islands customer service and they will provide you with assistance.
Yes, you can book flights for friends and family. Please make sure that you fill out all the details correctly and mention the name of the passenger for whom you are making the booking.