undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Air Kiribati

Manage Booking

Explore Air Kiribati web manage-booking services

Air Kiribati offers a feature called Manage booking, which enables passengers to adjust their existing bookings. Passengers can use Manage booking to adjust their flight details, access and print an itinerary, add extras such as extra baggage or meals and make payment for their flights. In addition, the passengers could make seat reservations and check the flight status, as well as all their details.
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Air Kiribati FAQs

If you choose to cancel your booking, the refund amount will be calculated based on the conditions listed in the fare rules applicable for the purchased ticket. For further information, please refer to the section ‘Refund and Cancellations in your Fare Rules.
You can call us on +686 7 23030, email us on info@airkiribati.com.ki, or contact us via our website www.airkiribati.com.ki/contact-us.
Yes, you can book online through our website www.airkiribati.com.ki.
No, we only accept payments made in the appropriate local currency listed on the ticket/invoice you receive when booking.
You will need a valid passport and ticket on the day of departure. You may also need a visa confirmation depending on the country of destination.