Explore Air KBZ web manage-booking services
Air KBZ is a domestic airline in Myanmar . The company was established in 2009 and operates in the country as a low cost carrier Its booking process and management are based on several factors. Firstly, customers have the possibility of booking both domestic and international flights through the Air KBZ website. Passengers can choose a departure and a destination from available lists and can select flight times from a range of possible choices . Booking must be made at least 24 hours prior to departure of the plane to confirm a reservation. There is also a travel agent-assisted booking process through which the customer can access a travel professional who will help him or her choose a flight and manage all the booking details quickly and easily. The payment policy is that Air KBZ only accepts Mastercard, VISA, AMEX, JCB, and UnionPay . Full payment is required to confirm and secure the reservation. However, the customer has the possibility to obtain one time payment plan. This is when the customer opts for an online payment using online banking to pay by installment. Lastly, a customer has the possibility to change and cancel his or her reservation . Cancelling a reservation can only be done through the airlines customer service help desk. The cancellation is subject to change fees depending on the type of ticket and the terms and conditions stated in the agreement.