Explore Air Kasaï web flight-status services
Air Kasaï is a regional commercial airline headquartered in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa. Several destinations in the Central African area are covered by the Airline, including various cities in the Republic of Congo, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola. The Airline also maintains a scheduled-flight arrangement from its hub in Kinshasa to the additional cities. If considering whether an Air Kasaï flight has any risk in flying, one can review the airline’s status from its official website www.airkasai.com . By typing the air kasai name in the search bar and clicking “search”, the user can see all the status of the current flight, present schedule, expected arrival or departure time, and the flight’s current status. Also, the user can choose to receive the status information of the flight via SMS from “get SMS update” after which the user gets any SMS update around a few minutes before the scheduled flying time.