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Manage Booking of Air Guilin

Manage Booking

Explore Air Guilin web manage-booking services

Customers have various options for managing their booking with Air Guilin. These options include: 1. Online Booking System: Air Guilin has a very user-friendly online booking system where the client may select the flights, acquire the tickets, and handle the booking. 2. Mobile App: Air Guilin offers a mobile app to make it simple for you to research and book flights, check-in, and handle bookings. 3. Telephone Booking: If anyone wants to book without using the online system, they can do so through the phone. 4. Customer Service: An agent may also help customers or people who struggle to navigate the website.
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Air Guilin FAQs

To make a booking you will need to provide information such as your name, phone number, email address, and payment details.,
You can manage your booking by logging into your account using your email address and password, or by visiting the Manage Bookings page when booking.,
You can make changes or cancel your booking by loging in to your account or in the ‘Manage Bookings page. Alternatively, you may contact Air Guilin directly for assistance.,
The deadline for modifying a booking varies depending on the type of booking and the conditions of your fare. Please refer to your Travel Confirmation for more details.,
Changes to the passengers name are not permitted after a booking is made. You must make any changes by contacting the airline. Any fees associated with the new reservation will be charged to you.