undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Air Glaciers

Manage Booking

Explore Air Glaciers web manage-booking services

Visit the airlines website to manage your booking with Air Glaciers. You can find manage bookings under manage bookings, change my existing booking, and cancel my existing booking. You may also print or display your reservation, upgrade your seat, purchase the sufficient number of additional pieces of baggage, and request special help at any time.
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Air Glaciers FAQs

You can manage your bookings via the Air Glaciers website, or you can contact our Customer Care Center to cancel your ticket.,
Yes, you do need to rebook your flight for a different date.,
Yes, you can change your flight time by contacting our Customer Care Center.,
Air Glaciers offers a variety of services and amenities on board depending on the aircraft type and route.,
We accept major credit and debit cards. Online payments are preferred but other methods can be used with prior arrangement.