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Web Check in Air Djibouti Online

Web Check-in

Explore Air Djibouti web check-in services

Air Djibouti does not provide online check-in as of now. Therefore, it is mandatory for the passengers to check-in at the airport counter. Currently, check-in is opened two hours before the departure timings. However, passengers have to bring their tickets and a valid photo identification card with them.
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Air Djibouti FAQs

Air Djibouti web check-in is a convenient way to check in for your flight online when travelling with Air Djibouti. It is available for domestic and international Air Djibouti flights.,
You can check in online from 24 to 1 hour before the departure time of your flight for both domestic and international flights.,
You can check in online with your booking reference code or Air Djibouti Frequent Flyer Miles number. You can also enter your passport details for international flights.,
Yes, you can select your seat online when checking in for your flight.,
Yes, you still need to check in at the airport. However, you can use the web check-in service to save time and arrange your seat in advance.