undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Aerolíneas Sosa

Manage Booking

Explore Aerolíneas Sosa web manage-booking services

Aerolíneas Sosa allows customers to manage their bookings online by visiting their website. Customers can view their itineraries, change their seats and make changes to their flights. Customers can also cancel their bookings, pay for additional baggage and make special requests. Customers can also view their current loyalty points balance and redeem rewards. Additionally, customers can sign up for the airlines loyalty program to earn additional points.
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Aerolíneas Sosa FAQs

Aerolíneas Sosa requires all passengers to check in at least 3 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight. Online check-in is available starting 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure time.
All passengers receive a 33-pound (15 kg) free allowance. Checked baggage fees depend on the route flown, advance notice, and weight of the baggage.
Yes, Aerolíneas Sosa offers free meal service on most flights over 2 hours in duration.
Yes, Aerolíneas Sosa has a loyalty program which provides points that can be redeemed for award travel, additional baggage allowances and more.
Yes, Aerolíneas Sosa has implemented a number of changes to its travel policies due to Covid-19, including reduced fare flights, contactless check-in, mandatory face mask use, and more.